Shawnee Mission North Tournament was cancelled Saturday. I could have made it there to officiate it, but it would have been slick. And they were predicting more snow, which of course missed us. Seemed like the right choice to me.

It took me 1 1/2 hours to go from Olathe to Baldwin City on Friday in the freezing rain (usually a 25 minute drive). I-35 was nearly closed. Vehicles flipped over, cars smashed up for several miles. I almost gave up and turned around, but they were talking 2 hour delays heading the other way. I was certain I'd get there and it would be cancelled, but it was a couple degrees warmer heading west and the back roads (had to detour) were OK, except everybody was now scared to death and driving 25 mph...which was fine, just slow on a wet-only road.

I grew up in Iowa. We drove on snow and ice-packed roads for several months every winter with bias-ply tires and rear-wheel drive cars and seemed to get around, but I wouldn't take the risk now if I was an AD. Too many heavy SUV's driving way too fast for conditions with no drivers ed.