Frazel. I'm not sure what else you think happened. I was there too. I have been there every since too. I do not condone the behavior nor do or have i defended it but for you to get on here with your expert witness b.s. and say what was or wasn't intentional is a joke. And what happened next, get ready folks.... drum roll...... The athlete went home. He did not take a dumb bell to a toilet (happened same day at a different tourny) didn't punch anyone (happened same day at a different tourny) didn't leave in handcuffs (happened same day different tourny) didn't run into stands and shove spectator to the ground. Oh wait, that was a college basketball player. Older more mature and got a 3 game suspension. Look, I appreciate my sons supporters as well as Josh Biera detractors as I happen to be both. Mr. Biera did not handle the situation perfectly Frazel. In fact he did everything in his power to ensure this would happen, then reportedly a similar situation happened 1-2 week later? Where is the pattern? My son is taking his punishment like a man and is flattered that he is relevent in so many grown people's lives. He wishes you all well and looks forward to not being a topic next year except from Wyatt or Chief. Good day.

Patrick Cavanaugh