It is easy to say 2+2 after watching the video... It is also easy to say that it cost a kid a State Championship. Truth is it could go either way and that 1/2 second is not the problem. There was an additional 5 minutes and 59 seconds that helped decide that match. The problem I saw all weekend had nothing to do with 1/2 second judgment calls. It was the 30 to 45 seconds that would go by with one wrestler having to chase the other to try for takedowns to get a win. Stalling is a must, especially in these close matches we get at state. Kids can not be allowed to get up by 2 or 3 with 45 seconds left and run the rest of the match, knowing that they will only get a stall warning, or maybe give up 1 point. I believe if a kid is running for 45 seconds he should get hit for 4 or 5 Stallings. That will help our beloved sport, make kids wrestle, not let them run to protect a lead. So in closing, yes it was a close call in that 1/2 second.... but lets worry more about the obvious 30 to 45 seconds we saw in a lot of matches.