
I'm glad it wasn't me...the official greatly complicated the situation by swinging his arm, but as others have pointed out, that's not the question. The question is were the points earned? But swinging that arm and not awarding points is never going to make you popular. And if the statement was "it wasn't close" I think it should have been "it was close."

Based on what I can see, in hindsight, being able to rewind it and look for both control and criteria (you need both), I would not give any NF points. However, if I had actually been on the mat, I could easily have been sucked into the emotion of the moment and subconsciously rewarded the kid for his last-ditch, tremendous effort and awarded the points.

I could live with myself making either call--we are talking literally about one second or less, control, and criteria. If the call had gone the other way we'd be arguing whether it was really a near-fall situation.

In these type of situations, I err on the side of making certain that the offensive wrestler actually has restraining power over the defensive wrestler and the scramble has played itself before awarding points.

Thanks for the video.

Last edited by Rford; 03/04/14 09:01 PM.