This stuff is ridiculous!! If you don’t like it leave the forum, this is a voluntarily joined group, you can leave at any time. This is a talk forum where people voice their personal opinion, if these adults drive you that nuts then do the adult thing and leave the discussion. I don’t know 99% of the people on here face to face and don’t agree with some of the stuff posted but I understand it’s their opinion and me as some mystery person behind a computer I am not going to change their mind. I am willing to bet you have clue how much enjoyment you give them that you care enough about their opinion that you spend hours reading and arguing about it.

If you think the private schools are better then go join one, it’s ridiculous to say they should be in their own class, they still educate their kids to be successful adults in life along with some religion. They are KIDS just like mine that go to a public school and shouldn’t be punished because their family has different religious views than mine. This is the year 2014 and in case you haven’t noticed people are allowed to melt into society regardless of religion race and whatever else use to be so “different”…..