Freestyle & Greco Roman Wrestling

Location: Blue Valley Southwest
17600 Quivira Road
Overland Park, Kansas 66062

Who: Grades 2nd – 12th
When: Start: April 1st
End: May 29th--Southern Plains
Practice: Tues./Thurs.
Evenings--6:00PM - 7:30 PM

Cost: $100
*Includes: Club Fees, T-Shirt
*Not Included-----USA Wrestling Card ($37 sold separately – Required for practice and competition)
(Cards can be purchased at

Cost: $137 if you would like me to order your card.

Payment can be made at the first practice, or mailed.

Attention: Cody Parks
17600 Quivira Road
Blue Valley Southwest High School
Overland Park, KS 66061

*Checks to be made out to Cody Parks*


Ryan Freeman
-Graduate Assistant Coach Oklahoma State University
-Oklahoma State University Wrestler 04’-08’
-State Runner-Up Freestyle Missouri
-High School Record 131-30

Hunter Like
-Assistant Coach Manhattan High School
-Blue Valley Southwest State Champion

*If your wrestler is looking to:
-Learn a new style, have fun and become a better all around wrestler
-Make the transition from the JV to Varsity level
-Make the transition from state qualifier to state medalist

Parents are responsible for registering their wrestlers and paying tournament fees. Tournaments are not mandatory, however strongly encouraged. To maximize your wrestler’s experience and growth through Freestyle and Greco wrestling, competition is crucial.

Contact Info:

Cody Parks
Coach Parks Phone #: 913-624-2128

Coaches will be at all the Meets!!
4-5 Fight or Flight FS / GR Staley HS, MO (Cadet, Juniors, Universities)
4-12 Black and Blue Freestyle St. James Academy, KS
4-26 Ultimate Freestyle Championship Blue Springs HS, MO

3-4 Kansas FS/GR State Tournament Hutchinson, KS
30th thru June 1 Southern Plains FS/GR Dodge City, KS