I COMPLETELY disagree with this business that the bag checks were for "safety". That's just absurd! Those checks were NOT in any way done for safety! If one wanted to, one could have brought any number of "unsafe" things in because the bag checks were half-assed, but JUUUUST enough to be annoying and yes, enough to protect us all from menacing outside / unauthorized "consessions"!

Now having said that, I would agree that this year was slightly less "stringent".

Lets be honest here, we ALL know the bag checks are ONLY done in an effort to protect Expocentre concession profits! Don't insult our intelligence! You can say they are done for safety all you want, but it can't possibly be sure.....UNLESS its to "checkmark" the list of legal things to have in place should some tragedy occur in which some nut was able to carry in some "unsafe" item(s) and perhaps caused harm, etc.

As an aside, maybe next year they could take up a collection toward a fund that would serve to resurface the Expocentre Parking lot WHICH, btw, DID have some small areas free of potholes! SOME!