Just to let everyone know, my two boys are indeed from Clearwater and one of them is a high schooler previously mentioned. We started wrestling for young guns 3 years ago when we indeed practice in a shed in the back of Coach Max's Yard. We went to Young guns because of the work ethic and standards that these coaches taught in the room. I can tell you personally that this was never intended to be a recruiting game in order to win a KIDS state title. It was understood in the beginning that the goal was to develop an awesome group of wrestlers. Although we do not live in Goddard, this group of parents and coaches have never batted an eye at coaching my son. They know that they are developing my kids for the Clearwater High School team and they don't care. They care about two things and two things only....Developing good
kids....and developing good wrestlers!! They teach that hard work, dedication, and determination pay off in the end both on and off the mat. They teach the kids to never give up! These coaches, parents, and kids are a truly amazing group. Anyone who wants to know why these kids have chosen to drive out of town to practice for this team needs to step inside their practice room...it doesn't take long to see why people love the Kansas Young Guns! Congrats to all the KYG coaches, wrestlers, and parents on all of their accomplishments this year as they all deserve it!!