the decision for my 2 sons at this point has been made. i left it up to the both of them this year. unfortunately they have decided to pursue other things and not wrestle this season. i am hoping its just for this season and hopefully they may make the decision to come back later in the season. i just want to thank tons of people throughout the long journey. brady started wrestling back when he was 4 years old. drew started about the same age. the things they have learned and the things that i have learned makes it hard on me as a dad, coach and person. first off i want to thank one of the best guys i have ever met in the sport of wrestling. we go way back to our boys wrestling at 6 under state. after that season we talked in the summer and decided that our boys would be great practice partners. well after several state championships and national placings they had to square off this last year in the finals at kick off classic. whether you like him or hate him he has earned my respect. what he has done for my 2 sons i can never repay him enough. he didnt have to take my sons as he could have just taken his boys in his shed that sits in his back yard and worked on his boys only. what he has done for the sport of wrestling many people wont understand until he takes your son to that shed and whips him into shape. he has built a dynasty from day one to the present day. coaching from 8 kids to over 100 kids now and still making it work isnt an easy task. yes he has had many helpers along the way but the kansas young guns wouldnt be where they are today without Max Fisher and Terry Lange. many kids at the high school level wouldnt be where they are without those 2 guys either. im sure i will drop in and out of gyms over the course of the year in hopes that my sons change their minds. so if you see them you can always encourage them without asking me first. i will always make the journey to watch state wrestling at the high school level with or without my sons wrestling as i have since i graduated from high school. good luck to all of you and your sons. just remember its a marathon and not a sprint. just because they win all their matches at 6,8,10, 12 doesnt mean they are going to be state champs every year come high school. remember to hug them and tell them that you love them at night time as i did when they were younger but not so much in the past couple years. just a few things i have learned throughout the past years. dont use this talk forum to talk crap. if you have a problem with someone talk to them face to face in a positive manner. the talk forum only fuels the fire. beeson is actually a pretty good guy if you are able to sit down and talk to him. do not talk to him on the web forum lol. do not drink that stuff that lindsey drags around with him. that stuff will probably make you sick. the most important thing i have learned is listen to other coaches, and most importantly your own kids. dont make them do things they really dont want to do as they wont give 100 percent. guide your kids dont force them to do anything. last but not least is one thing i wasnt very good at. do not argue with the refs cause they are almost always right and very few times will they change a call. also take time and watch bob from salina coach a match. it will give you a good laugh. oh i almost forgot. take someone that doesnt know the sport of wrestling to a kids tournament and watch some of the crazy parents and coaches. thats all i got for now. thank you.

Scott Bockover