I've noticed this multiple times over the past several weeks. I do not agree with taking injury time if the wrestler has not been injured. It is very unethical. Coaches are using it as a time out so they can get their wrestler some water and let them catch their breath while they coach them up one on one. It is ridiculous.

I specifically saw it happen in a 3rd place match over the weekend with about a minute left in the match. I won't mention the teams involved but the match was stopped and a penalty point was given due to an illegal hold. The wrestler got back to the center of the mat and got in position on the line, ready to wrestle. The coach then hollered at the wrestler telling him "take injury time! take injury time!" It took the wrestler a few seconds to respond because he was focused on getting the match started again. Once the coach got the attention of the wrestler and ref, injury time was granted. For what? A water break and the opportunity to tell the wrestler exactly what he needed to do.