Hays, Kansas
Cunningham Hall (Must enter through Cunningham Hall
Fort Hays State University Campus
600 Park Street Hays, KS
(South side of Gross Memorial Coliseum)
Scott Zimmerman
Great Bend, Kansas
PAC Center Wrestling Room
19th street Great Bend, KS
(enter on the southwest side of football field)
Cory Chansler
730 E. Magnolia Rd.
Salina, KS
Rich Zimmerman
�Beloit Wrestling Club
119 N Hersey, North Basement Entrance.
785-738-0081.� Jeff Monty
�Scott City Takedown Club
�Julia Cheney (620)214-1178�
Holcomb Wrestling
Justin Stevens, Club President
�Hill City -TBA
Becky Atkins
Hill City Wrestling
�Smith Center
216 S. Jefferson Smith Center, wrestling room located on south side of elementary� Jon� - 785-248-9439
Josh 785-476-5025
�6:30 to 7:30 pm
�Dodge City
Comanche Middle School
Scott Edwards 620-338-2987
�Fort Riley Middle School
4022 First Division Road
Fort Riley, KS 66442
Wrestling Room
Enter though the wrestling room door next to the football field on the west side of the building 6-7 pm
Chris McClanahan
�6:30-7:30 in the
national guard armory
at Phillipsburg
Joel Bailey
Vice President�
Leavenworth County Spartans�
Hoxie Kids Wrestling Club
Jade Baalman
Norton East Campus Wrestling Room
600 N. State St.
Norton, KS 67654
Contact: Christina Black
1000 Taylor Ave Colby, ks
785-443-3554 Email- Warkwrestling@hotmail.com I from 6-8.warkwrestling@hotmail.com
Brandi Wark
�Goodland - Dusty or Courtney Knox, 785-728-7189! Northwest Kansas Technical College, Guy Mills Building (South Side of Campus on 15th Sreet) 1209 Cherry Goodland, KS 67735
�Wamego High School,
Wrestling Deck, 801 Lincoln. Enter through the upper parking lot door.� Contact person is Karl Singer at
�785-564-3942 or Amy McLemore at 785-250-5394. weigh in will be from 6-6:30
Stockton Wrestling Club
Kent 785-425-8240
from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
305 N First street, west of Stockton National Bank, the big blue shed.
Liberal Wrestling Club
1601 West 2nd
Liberal Kansas 67901
High school wrestling room
Contact: Alfredo Juarez
Phone: 620-417-5119
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Last edited by Scott01; 03/04/15 02:53 AM.