At the very heart of this problem is Gov Brownback's enemy. TOO MANY HIGH SCHOOLS. TOO MANY COUNTIES. The notion that you can keep creating jobs or sustain unnecessary jobs by increasing taxes is a recipe for disaster. It is being played out at the city, county, state, and federal level. You don't have to have a PHD in Economics to figure it out.

Wrestling...We need two classes. Take the total enrollment of all 213 schools with wrestlers (according to the KWCA page Qualify 32 for each and we would have the same number of kids participating at state. Place 8 so only 16 place instead of 24. Have the tournament on Thur, Fri, and Sat at the same venue. MAKE IT A BIG DEAL for the KIDS. It is for the KIDS. It isn't for KSHSAA to make money, for the striped shirts to acknowledge their years of service, for the arena to flex it's security strength. It is all about the four SHORT years of opportunity for wrestlers to see who is the best. We freakn crown 8 state champs in football. JOKE!! Four state champs in wrestling is too many too.

Will Cokeley