Originally Posted By: jamesrenfro
There is also a story going around that EVEN if they would have wanted to host the tournament, it could not have been wrestled because there was an insurance issue. Not sure about this issue, but if there is any truth to it, you have to dot the i's and cross the t's.

"Story"... We focused all of our efforts to get 100 wrestlers to sign up. Phone calls, emails, etc. We needed 285 to break even. We didn't turn in all of the paperwork because it was becoming more and more apparent that it was not going to happen. I have seen 200 kids sign up in the last two days but it didn't happen. 100 was a compromise not to disappoint those who supported. When you sanction a USA event you have insurance. It is not our first rodeo. It is just the first one where the bull got the best of us. I would appreciate any and all support. Your remarks on this forum contribute nothing positive. If you have suggestions or you feel necessary to cast stones you have my email, address, and phone number.

Will Cokeley