So, I was at my friendly neighborhood Wal-Mart and ran into a former wrestler. We were talking about how each other have been the last year, and the subject of wrestling duals came up. It got me to thinking that when I wrestled back in the late 80's, we had several duals and not many tournaments. I even have a patch on my letter jacket that we went 3 years in a row in high school before losing a dual, which wasn't too bad back then (around 50 duals). My question is this: Would there be more coverage in the media if there were more opportunities, like duals, for communities to get involved? Show me a tournament where the whole school/student body turns out like for a basketball or football game. Is it a problem for places like Blair Academy or El Reno, which have national-caliber talent in spades to get media coverage? Perhaps if we could schedule more duals in a season, there would be more involvement, more support & more knowledge of the sport. Possibly more numbers coming out for the sport as well. Make duals 1 competition pt. only, regardless of teams, or allow X number of duals a year, point-free. I would bet that there would be more coverage, and more competition, for this great sport!

"Praise the Lord, my Rock. He trains my hands 4 war & gives my fingers skill 4 battle."-Ps.144:1