When was last time a 6u state title got a kid a college scholarship? There are some examples of "elite" 6u wrestlers who can handle the grind of a state series run but for the most part they are not ready. Even if they are, overbearing parents of these "elite" 6 yr olds push a lot of them out of our sport or early success doesn't equate to winning at 9-10 or after and they can't handle loosing. At 5-6 we should be teaching basic body control and promoting sportsmanship. They have the rest of their lives to try to win the rat race.
I have talked with a lot of good wrestlers who have quit wrestling as freshman or sophomore who say they are burnt out because they have been doing it since 5yrs old. Never has a kid who quit told me that an individual season is too long. (Mommy and Daddy have!!!) We competitively start em too young and lose our middle of the road kids in Jr. High and high school or before.
We don't need to shorten the season so that more kids stay out, wrestlers will wrestle!! Embrace the grind or go play with balls!!