Coaches, Parents, and wrestlers,
USAWKS is sponsoring a trip for Cadets and Juniors to Cedar Falls, IA.
Wrestlers MUST sign up on!! The number of entries is capped so please enter NOW!
COST: $175 per underclassmen wrestler, $125 for SENIORS and $100 for coach. Cost is based on four wrestlers to a room and two coaches.
Cost includes:
Transportation from Topeka to hotel, arena, and back on Saturday. (Bus or vans based on participation. Goal is to exceed 26 wrestlers and use bus.)
Lodging Thursday and Friday nights. Days Inn Evansdale, IA 450 Evansdale Drive Evansdale, Iowa 50707 Phone: 319-235-1111
Team Gear � tshirt and work out shorts (must be worn during the duration of the event!!)
Junior Division: Seniors will be given a competition singlet, underclassmen may purchase one for $50. They will be available on site.
Cadet Division:
Cadets will be offered the opportunity to purchase competition singlet for $50.
Registration will open on Friday, January 1st at 12pm Central!
This event has sold out in previous years. USA Wrestling does not charge for adjusting weight classes, even at weigh-ins, so sign up early to guarantee your spot in the event.
Registration will be capped at the following levels:
1,500 Cadet and Junior wrestlers
This is the final USA Wrestling individual event of the folkstyle season. It is also the first stage of the Triple Crown, which is made up of the Folkstyle Nationals, and the Freestyle and Greco-Roman Nationals. All 2016 Triple Crown winners will be listed on USA Wrestling's 2016-2017 National Events Poster.
*Please note that the UNI-Dome does not permit outside food or coolers. Full concessions will be available. Thank you for respecting this policy.
Thursday, March 31
Junior & Cadet Registration - NO WEIGH-INS, REGISTRATION ONLY
Coaches must be prepared to show their current USAW membership card, photo ID, and Copper/Bronze card at registration in order to purchase a coaches pass.
@ McLeod Center
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Friday, April 1
Junior & Cadet Registration and Weigh-ins
Coaches must be prepared to show their current USAW membership card, photo ID, and Copper/Bronze card at registration in order to purchase a coaches pass.
@ McLeod Center
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
UNI-Dome Doors Open
8:00 AM
Mat Officials Clinic
8:00 AM
Coaches Rules & Procedures Meeting
Mat #1
10:00 AM
Junior & Cadet Session I
@ UNI-Dome
10:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Junior & Cadet Session II
@ UNI-Dome
4:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Saturday, April 2
Kids (Bantam, Intermediate, Novice, and Schoolboy) Registration and Weigh-ins
Coaches must be prepared to show their current USAW membership card, photo ID, and Copper/Bronze card at registration in order to purchase a coaches pass.
@ McLeod Center
7:00 AM to 8:00 AM
UNI-Dome Doors Open
7:30 AM
Junior & Cadet Session III
(Semifinals, Consolations, 3rd, 5th, and 7th Place Matches)
@ UNI-Dome
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Coaches Rules & Procedures Meeting
Mat #1
11:00 AM
Junior & Cadet Session IV
(1st Place matches and awards)
@ McLeod Center
12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Wrestlers can bring a cooler to leave on the bus or purchase food on site. We will provide a code of conduct form to be signed before departure. Please arrive no later than 2:30 for 3pm departure.
Email me your confirmation ASAP!!
Will Cokeley, USAWKS Olympic Styles Director
Cell 708 267 6615