There has been some conversation about the new districts lines and also a �survey question" that asked if you are in favor of equal numbers. There is a small independent "group" working outside the State board members (no elected officials on it, and more than 1 district represented) to decide if the new lines should be challenged with either new ideas or reverting back to what was in place the last couple years. Anything established under the bylaws, including the district boundaries, can be changed by the state body on a two-third vote of the voting members. Any voting member club can make a motion at the state body meeting under this provision.

New lines
D1 decreased by 11 participants (730)
D2 Increased by 15 participants (725)
D3 decreased by 17 participants (723)
D4 increased by 13 participants (729)

The new lines created extremely minimal changes in numbers and largely increased travel time for some (which may be unavoidable at times, I get it) while significantly shortened travel time for others that could potentially share in the travel pain and off-set it for everyone.

All the statistical data that I could find on reliable sites shows that JOCO, Wyandotte and Douglas account for 84% of the state�s growth. Riley and Sedgwick are the other top 2 in growth.


As for the equal number of participants what do you consider close enough to equal to be fair?

Do you weigh travel time for qualifying tournaments heavier than �equal� numbers?

If the trending growth is primarily in D1, would you want to ensure they are the smallest district currently to account for the growth avoiding re-districting again in a couple years? Currently they are still the largest district.

My intent is not to stir the pot or head-hunt a certain county, I want to find a solution that would be good for years to come and I don�t feel that was done here. Feel free to agree or disagree, in the end there may be no action taken but wanted to get a feel from some I don�t talk to.