well then sportsfan02 I am assuming you live outside of District 4 because that is a typical answer from someone that lives in eastern kansas. Nothing exists past salina and wichita. I am more than willing to serve on the board. But getting on the board is almost impossible. Why pull reno out? Shouldnt they stay in District 4? What happens when we get to the bigger clubs such as salina or wichita clubs? Are they going to join district 4? What happens if clubs get tired of it and say enough is enough and decide to break away and bring AAU? Want will happen then? Where is the limit? Almost any issue should be brought to a vote not decide by a handful of people. I believe that if there is a 2/3 majority the decision of the state board can be overriden maybe not. You will never get the numbers to equal out of be even wont happen. By increasing the travel all that the board is achieving is pushing more people away because of cost and travel. Hard liners will say well that is just the nature of the beast. To a limit it is. But there are ways around it.
If you want to get on the board, get elected to a district director or assistant position. You are then on the board. I agree that travel is a troubling cost to ALL of us. We have way too many kids traveling out of state for tournaments. This has the effect of making the neighborhood tournament less and less profitable and more expendable. The strength of Kansas Kids wrestling is first and foremost the clubs. The less strong functioning clubs we have, the more our sport is going to hurt.