Originally Posted By: jeremy sekavec
Lets break down the numbers per age group to see where the difference is (numbers from district tournament last year)

8 and under
4= 124

10 and under
1= 131

12 and under
2= 149
3= 136
4= 125

14 and under
1= 165
2= 144
3= 136
4= 111

High School
1= 125
2= 94
3= 97
4= 77

Now that those numbers are out there lets analyze them.

8 Under
2= 166
1= -9
3= -32
4= -42

10 Under
2= 167
1= -36
3= -41
4= -50

12 and under

2= -18
3 and 4= -42

14 and under

2= -21
3= -29
4= -54

High School
1= 125
3= -28
2= -31
4= -48

District 2 holds the most kids in the 8 and 10 age groups. District 1 holds 12, 14, and high school. If we are worried about the size of district 1, then moving the district lines is not the answer!!! District 4 will never have the 14 and under and high school participation as district 1! EVER!!!! The kids out here in the rural communities are doing nine hundred different activities. Lets look at one. In a small town, any small rural farm town here in western kansas, a student in junior and high are most likely involved in up to ten different activities. Football, wrestling, track, baseball, softball, band, FHA, FFA, work, and any other school activities they are required at just to have those activities. Getting those age groups to think about doing little kids wrestling, especially after high school wrestling is hard. Yes you will have the die hards who will wrestle, every district does. But lets look at Garden City for example. Why do you not see high school kids wrestle kids club? One prime example is the high school baseball coach tells the kids that is they do little kids wrestling at all, they are off the baseball team so they have to decide. Im sure there are other schools like this also. There has to be a better way of figuring this out then jumping the lines every freaking year. I have seen it posted that life is not fair. Yes, Life is not fair. Never has been never will be. But just as they say will travel is part of the beast, well living in District 1, numbers is just part of the beast. Take a moment and look at it that way. Im open for more ideas but really cmon guys.
And sportsfan02 yes decisions are political so maybe they should be given to the group to decide instead of the few. Pretty sure the USA was created because the few were making decisions

The numbers at any one age group has nothing to do with boundaries. It is the overall numbers that determine who needs to go where. And the reason we have a board to decide some of these issues is the same reason the U.S.A. has a representative form of democracy.