Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
Originally Posted By: Daniel DRW
Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
You CAN'T set district boundaries and leave it! That would be ridiculous. There are advantages and disadvantages to where each of us lives. Like it or not, the population of western Kansas is shrinking and that should and will be be effecting all facets of the lives of those that live there.
The reason the decision on boundaries was left to the executive board was because the state body couldn't ever pass a map that was acceptable to the majority. As to the idea of term limits for the board, we routinely have no other candidates to run against any sitting member. I take that as a sign that nobody really wants the duties and that the current board is doing an acceptable job. In this case, I believe the board got it right.

I agree with everything you said BUT "they got it right" this go. There was such a minimal change made that I can't see where we accomplished much, if we plan to stay "equal" as can be D1 will need to loose more and D4 gain more again next year which implies yet another change.

Remember, any issue that comes before the board has politics involved in it's passing. Each board member is looking out for their club and district first. So in order to get something passed, compromise is involved.

I have been told there were no politics involved in this decsion. Of course there was one member that slipped up and made a statement that proved there was! smile

As I agreed with you before the majority has never been able to agree at the State meeting so I get a decsion being made. My issue is that this decsion didn't accomplish much of anything and didn't leave room for growth in D1. I feel that we are just setting ourselves up to throw everyone around again next year.

I was in D1, didn't want to leave it, but a honest study of the numbers and running several different scenarios tells me it's highly possible that Shawnee county isn't in D1 for state success. The frustrating part is it also tells me that our current change is not setting us up for success either, unless there are more of those "slip-up" comments out there than what I have been told, then it makes sense.