Originally Posted By: JamyD
Best of luck to figuring out this jigsaw puzzle!!! I don't think there is a "one solution fixes all" unfortunately, and no matter how you cut it will probably leave someone out in the cold so to speak. I do know we are here to wrestle whoever, whenever, and wherever. The tougher they are, the better we get!! DISTRICT 5 FOREVER!!!!!

The point made by Daniel DRW has been that the realignment did little to nothing for any numbers shifting and leaves one to ask why the change then.

Daniel, I know the state board just emailed clubs and asked what county they were HQ'd in too.... I actually looked up the zip codes and counties they were in. A few were goofy like the Lawrence club with a Johnson county mailing address or the one K.C. club that had a Missouri side mailing address. It would be of my opinion that any formula not using the totals for 14 and under SUB numbers for D3 and D4 would be inappropriate as they make for a thinning of the herd in those districts. If we throw in the high school figures from district for D3 and D4 then D3 is too big at 782 and D4 is 721.

Would appear Saline County will be next on the bubble for being moved into D4?....or Reno/Kingman/Harper remain D4 and McPherson shifts into D2. I guess we can assume the same logic people have posted will be followed by posters themselves that if they don't like being in D4 travel times then they will have to move into Wichita or KC itself. I understand the board can't make everybody happy but it is interesting Reno is ducking out of D4 while shoving Cloud and Ottawa in.... Good luck Daniel as Trackwrestling head count figures for what you posted the state used don't quite match up with each other even for D1 and D2. I've burned enough time on this subject for a message board that will have no impact on our particular club or what the state does anyway so I'm not going any further.