Love how possible district venues (with no subs) are put on the table without considerations for capacity let alone the likes of scheduling difficulty and dollar costs of getting into the likes of a Gross (Hays) or United (Dodge) facility. However, since he brought it up. I think Sekavec should check into GCCC for a district hosting and D4 could actually consider cutting out subs. Sounds like it might be a great venue if it could be arranged on the cheap...and I'm sure Greater Gold is just chomping at the bit ready to host. sick Those proposing venues also means someone has to step up and host which I think a couple might be forgetting on this board that some don't want the headache that comes with hosting. One thing I haven't seen thrown out (and I'm green here) is forcing a co-host of say the top six clubs attending? Each club runs a mat... Takes some weight off the local club's resources and sharing the burden may help some clubs be more willing to bring the tournament to the likes of BCCC or GCCC. Maybe that's too much to ask...

Still think GCHS wouldn't quite have enough seating capacity to host a single district (no subs) head count because of your lower bleachers being pulled back to make room for score tables and foot traffic. It was a great venue for the subs though and well ran. Liberal is in the same boat as Pratt. A third gym that is a separated facility (only about 50 yards) that could easily host the head counts and yet at an extreme geographical location in the district. For those unfamiliar with D4, the story for D4 to have a single district qualifier is about SEATING capacity in a halfway centralized location that is necessary to eliminate having a sub qualifier.

Those clubs in the extremes like an Atwood traveling to Pratt or a Beloit/Concordia going to Liberal might actually prefer a single district qualifier but you will still have some unhappy campers from the opposite ends having to travel five hours each way. Thinking Sekavec should work on that GCCC idea for a single district event... grin