Originally Posted By: DamonParker

We have 76 kids on our wrestling team. Outfitting these wrestlers in warm-ups and singlets costs money. Feeding these kids costs money. Our 62 JV wrestlers are just as important to our program as our 14 varsity wrestlers, and it costs money to treat them as such.

Additionally, we would like to have some of the same travel opportunities for our varsity program as many of our Kansas counterparts. We would love to take a trip to the Cheesehead, or to Katy, TX, or to Council Bluffs. However, our district budget per year is $1,200 (if our requests get approved, which they regularly don't). $1200/year comes to $15 a kid. Any out-of-state travel (and all in-state hotels for 2-day trips) come directly out of the money we raise ourselves.

With 76 kids, that comes to a goal of roughly $263 dollars per student. I think you'd agree that while optimistic, that number is not outlandish. Plus, it would be nice to be able purchase one wrestling mat for our kids that was manufactured in this century.

Additionally, as you may or may not have seen in the link above, as part of our wrestlers' character development we are donating $2,500 of the funds raised to Washburn Rural's "Adopt A Family" program. This fund provides coats, shoes, clothing, and other necessary items to students in need during the holiday season. Last season our wrestlers raised $2,200 for AAF by "passing a hat." This year we easily met our goal through this unique crowdsourcing fundraiser.

Don't get the wrong idea....I didn't post this link to ask people to donate to our campaign. As a coach who has sold his share of cookie dough and wrapping paper, I thought it may be help other coaches without unlimited resources find a way to meet their budgetary needs.

Forgot to mention that we also pay an additional coaching staff salary out of our fundraising money so we can have more than 3 coaches with 76 kids.

I was just curious. Zero tax dollars fund SJA's staff, program or our travel. We too raise money. Many, many hours of time are donated. Many, many donations help us take care of our team. Our gear is purchased individually by each wrestler, excluding competition singlets.

I applaud your self funding efforts. I grow tired and weary of the "We can't afford it..." whining that you hear and read. Private schools pay their own way and guess what they are paying a portion of the public school's costs just like everyone else as well.

Coaching can be expensive when KSHSAA mandates that EVERY coach be under contract and paid. No more volunteers or $1 coaches.

Will Cokeley