Oh boy….. If it’s happening a lot on your end I would be frustrated also. I personally haven’t seen it much at all this season. Once a couple weeks ago but the wrestler didn’t do it during the match, it was after he got stuck late in the 3rd. He laid on the mat for a good 5 minutes before they got it back under control.

I don’t disagree with you but guess there is a fine line in this day and age with safety and stalling tactics. What happens if the kid doesn’t do it because he knows it will cost him a point and then has a serious medial reaction? Does it become a judgment call? That probably wouldn’t go well either way.

Having kids in my club with them (to date they have never stopped a match for them) I have seen them use them before practice and then legitimately need them again during practice. Practice is longer than the match as you said but I’m not sure I won’t to be the one that is responsible for a kid falling out.

I like your Dr’s note idea but at the same time probably not that hard to get a Dr. to write it and we are back in the same boat.