I remember back when there were "unlimited" injury time outs (I think you still only had 1:30- 1996-1997 season) and I feel it was abused back then. I like the rule as it states now with the second injury time giving the opposing wrestler choice of position and third injury time being a DQ.

I am going to state I was one of those wrestlers who had to use my inhaler between matches. However, I tried to use between periods (if I had to use it) in an attempt not to slow down the match too much. I grew up with severe asthma and had to take breathing treatments and seeing all sorts of specialist while younger. I was told it would be difficult for me to participate in sports because of this. However, I credit wrestling for helping me learn to control my breathing better and learning to control my asthma (I did not get OK'ed by my doctor to even try wrestling until high school).

Whether or not it is abused now it is difficult to say. Remember these are young children not high schoolers (I am assuming). I also agree with Beeson, there would be too much liability on an official's hands to determine whether or not the use of an inhaler is warranted. They are under liability now when dealing with concussions, to add this is just going to discourage more young people from officiating.

Sorry for writing a book.

Jason Storm
Head Women's Coach Labette County High School