For what it's worth, here are my observations that I shared with the committee that is looking at our options:
  • 62% thought that the season length was just right or too short. I’m amazed that 13.6% thought it should be longer!
  • However 48% thought that the state folkstyle tournament should be held earlier. Does this mean 14% want the season to start earlier?
  • 65% support moving the series to an earlier date on the calendar, with the majority favoring an early March date. Why is this a greater percentage than on the 2nd question?
  • The vote on adding 6U to the state tournament series ended up nearly in a tie; however,
  • If we added 6U, the majority favor creating a 2-tournament series. The most common comment under “Other” was to not add 6U, the second most common was to drop High School.
  • If we split into a 2-tournament series, it seems that a majority would support having the younger wrestlers’ tournament in February.
  • A significant majority believe that we should consider the physical size of a district when drawing boundaries. Only 17.3% thought it shouldn’t be a factor.