Originally Posted By: smokeycabin
Bingo - another reason it was taken from Ottawa

"Further, the profits help fund the Elementary and Middle School Dual events." some of these extras need to be pay to play - Full Amount

So you were so completely upset about college funding being evaluated that you killed your own program but you don't think profits from a tournament should be used to subsidize an event for the kids that directly helped pay for the event? Are you delusional??

Define extras??

Should we be making every tournament break even?

What do you do with the profits from your tournament? The one that everyone complains about because you are in violation of the fire code and it takes so long run?

Why don't you educate us all with the PERFECT, SMOKEY CABIN, proposed budget plan. Maybe you could rewrite all of the bylaws as you seem to be critical of many of the decisions being made.

Will Cokeley