Originally Posted By: smokeycabin
Bingo - another reason it was taken from Ottawa

"Further, the profits help fund the Elementary and Middle School Dual events." some of these extras need to be pay to play - Full Amount

So you were so completely upset about college funding being evaluated that you killed your own program but you don't think profits from a tournament should be used to subsidize an event for the kids that directly helped pay for the event? Are you delusional??

Don't worry another form of helping all the colleges is evolving (definitely with out our State Freestyle Greco Director) to ensure the funds get directed to all the colleges not just 1 or 2 he wants funded or helping fund out of state college athletes. You are darn right that I am upset that you screwed up the KCWF - but I will move on - I am not willing to continue raising funds for All our college programs that the Vice Chairman may try shifting or influencing board mewmbers send funds to his college of choice.

Define extras??

Should we be making every tournament break even?

What do you do with the profits from your tournament? The one that everyone complains about because you are in violation of the fire code and it takes so long run?

I am so glad you asked the above few questions. Now we have a dialog.

A) We have helped show many new clubs over the years how to run a tournament, let them use our equipment, flip charts, stop watches, match number boards, - Now we (OE/STA) rent $800 annually score clocks from the state that goes directly back into KS USA Wrestling
Oh and I normally end up doing some sort of trailer repair by the time I get to them a year later.

B)Pretty sure the Thunder used our equipment - I have even flip burgers and pancakes, worker tables etc. I know you never said thanks or worked any of our tournaments you just wanted your athletes to get the ref money - every angle you use is how will it benefit your needs. Other clubs that I know we helped with their tournaments, ONW, ON, Mill Valley, Saint James, BVSW, Leavenworth, I am sure there are more have loaned the equipment over the last 18 years.

C) We pay for our coaches Bronze cards and coaches cards and help them with some travel costs, - this year I think we have 15-20 coaches doing a great job

C- 1) We sponsor NAIA Nationals and send workers, WE Sponsor District table/ A Ref We have always helped at the state tournament as long as I can remember - working tables all kinds events

D) WE have had thousands of volunteer hours at tournaments manning the KCWF table in addition to that our club has donated thousands of dollars back to the colleges along with many families who are business owners who have made direct contributions and donations.

E) We have helped many wrestling families in need in tough times from other clubs, we have had a coach who spent 18 months in the hospital and we helped out that family as much as possible, we have another coach in the club who has cancer and has been in and out of the hospital this year since April of last year and our club has stepped up to the plate and helped that family who have 3 young kids

F) we help kids and families get to tournaments, fees, practice, etc.

G) We have a fund for scholarship for kids who make Schoolboy, Cadet, and Junior Teams, Fargo and other predesignated events. (if and when funds are available) -

H) There is a scholarship fund for College kids who came out of our kids program - Even some of the former Thunder Wrestlers had assistance for their college books form the STA Kids Club.

I) We have bought mats for the schools (that takes a while to get money for that) We have hung up ropes to climb, chin up bars, built trophy cases, exercise equipment, All in all OE and STA have given a lot back to wrestling volunteer time, cash, - these two clubs are under great guidance - thank you very much!

J) Several times Delivered trackwrestling clocks to Hutchinson for the State Fretyle/Greco Director - on the way to manning the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Booth

K) Kids State Program Sponsor as well as getting other businesses donors from our around the state as well as our club to help sponsor that booklet - try to raise enough funds for the printing and then from the sale of the book all fund went back into the KCWF or now into the USA KS Wrestling State and National Hall of Fame.

L) We have also made donations to high school programs who help set up and tear down, facility rental, room improvements, occasionally bring in guys to do clinics, thinking about bringing in some KS College guys this year - etc

M) Helped with volunteer group at NCAA DI nationals when they were in KC, Helped with Big 12 volunteer group when they were here, helped several years with Brute Nationals, Helped with Cadet Duals when they were out by KCI, Helped with School Boy Duals a bit - some of the first teams going to Indy

N) After USA Folkstyle season was over we (groups of families) took many kids on the road for folkstyle and freestyle events at are own cost back in the day or they had to go out and raise it before they could go. As it should be.

O) We have sponsored the coaches education program and bronze certification and secured a site and prepared meals for the new coaches many years in a row.

P) I am sure there are other areas where we give back to the sport that I am forgetting to mention

"The one that everyone complains about because you are in violation of the fire code and it takes so long run?"

No Fire codes violated - thousands of volunteer hours every year - which we are most grateful for. 1,050 wrestlers - approximately 1,700 matches in under 8 hours - we turned away 350-500 student athletes in order to keep the match numbers near 100 or under 100 matches on each of the 16 surfaces. Struggled with the hot spots, Joe Knecht runs the best dang trackwrestling tournaments, The weather was great and I believe we sold out of every snack, drink, hotdog, burger, - so no returns back to the store this year. I do not think we had to kick out and crazy parents - I did confirm that no got the boot on New Year's Eve. All was good.

I have about 4,000 more posts before I catch up to the Chief. It will be a while. Hang in there.

Why don't you educate us all with the PERFECT, SMOKEY CABIN, proposed budget plan. Maybe you could rewrite all of the bylaws as you seem to be critical of many of the decisions being made.

I am waiting to read the minutes from the September 2016 online conference call draft budget meeting. I read the September 2015 minutes for the online conference call draft budget meeting. This years Board Budget meeting was so close together with the moved earlier state body meeting no one ever was able to review and discuss the budget properly - in my opinion.

"If this were a fortune 500 company" you would have been fired

I have great respect for many many people on the USA WKS board and other KS Wrestling Board and organizations - I will leave it at that - for now.

I did not realize that the membership could not be involved in the process - so sorry for asking questions.

Wishing you and your much smaller group of volunteers and donors the best.

Last edited by smokeycabin; 02/09/17 07:55 PM.