First let me say I love watching both these kids compete! Jaces duck unders are some of my favorites!... and the powerful mullet!

I could see his Jaces Fargo accomplishments in cadets making an argument for #1 but let's not forget Treaster is a junior Fargo AA as well! And if you've been around the freestyle/Greco season for very long you know juniors age group is definitely a step above! (Rightfully so being older and more mature athletes) , if I was a ranking coordinator I would take a Junior AA over a cadet AA

But let's be real the rankings are more for us old spectators to talk about. I know these serious athletes could probably care less, just concentrating on that last tournament of the season!

I know the 5a and the 6a 120 brackets are going to be some as a fan I'll be paying particular attention to! Good luck gentlemen!

Hey Butt-Head what did people do before they invented TV?
Don't be stupid Beavis there's always been TV, there's just more channels now.
Oh yeah, heh heh hehe... progress is cool. Heh hehe heh