You look now at the tournaments that happen the weekends of High school Regionals and high school state. There are very few and they are no where near big tournaments. Kids, especially 14 and under, are shut down during those two weeks. I feel we will actually have a better chance of getting quality refs. Lord knows after watching high school state on all levels there has to be good refs that are being left out. As far as locations, they are places i can think of right off the bat. You named two of them in Hartman and Mulvane. Hutch is having the high event center redone so that is an option. Garden City Community College has nice facilities now but will be even nicer next year. They are redoing the main gym. Those are two i can think of off the top of my head. I am sure there are more.
A lot of clubs are starting practice now in mid October now to get ready for national tournaments. Yes not every kid will do national tournaments. But why can we not get our season to align with a high school season? Start the first of November, start the first week in December with tournaments. Wrestle hard through December and January and ease off by February.
Elementary duals and middle school championships can be held on the same weekend. What are the big venues being used for the day after regionals or even the day after high school state? They could go then. There are many options for this. We could do elementary basically anytime from January to February. People will ask about the kids holding weight. If the kids are cutting that much weight to get to a class, why are they wrestling that class? If we have that big of problem with massive weight cutting, then we need to go to shoulder to shoulder weigh in the day of the tournament just like college does. That will eliminate the massive weight cutting.
Like you said its a start and it needs to start somewhere