Originally Posted by Kyle Patton
I’m all about more opportunities for the athletes, but coaching in 321a I am strongly against this proposal. I don’t even know if there was a full team at the Rossville regional last year. This is just a guess, but I bet there wasn’t even 10 teams with “full teams” at the 321a classification. You can say that your not trying hard enough or not recruiting hard enough, well that’s bs. It’s very hard to come by a full team these days in 321a. Just my thoughts and opinions.

Kyle, I’m with ya. Like I said, I know nothing at all about the 321A environment. That said, if a school has 1200 students, they should be able to fill a roster. But I got us off topic....that’s a discussion for a different thread. I agree with coach Harris; it’s a safety issue. Would love the opportunity for seniors to not have to cut a ton of weight to get their shot at the big show.

The fact that girls are forced to wrestle at state in the middle of the week is laughably sexist.