Originally Posted by dvst8r
So with that being said, say you are seeding a bracket this weekend for a KSHAA tournament. Gomez and Simma are the top two wrestlers in the weight class. Gomez is the returning state champion and has a previous 2-0 dominant H2H record against Simma in the previous year. Who gets the #1 seed?

Gomez would get the #1 seed with the normal separation criteria that most tournaments use. Rankings are not seeding. Every ranking has a level of subjectivity, especially when comparing three styles of competition. When comparing these two guys, it is razor thin IMO, but in a different example.... If a wrestler loses to another by defensive pin, that winning wrestler would likely gain the seed in a subsequent meeting. The ranking however, would likely keep the losing wrestler at a higher rank. There are plenty of other factors, including national results after the state tournament. I am sure that Devin and Jared would be a great match again (Gomez won 7-3 in the finals) if they wrestled tonight, assuming they were at the same weight.

Last edited by Chief Renegade; 11/18/19 03:44 PM.

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12