Coach, On a recheck, I found that there were 7 finalists from the council Grove regional and only 1 from the Eureka regional. But case in point still stands, some parity across the Regional's needs to be worked out.. We out here have lived with this since before time. Another stat is that 14 regional champions did not place in the tournament{ Only 1 from the Norton regional.} The percentages have gotten better for the Eastern side over time but there was a time not to many years ago that over 75% of all state team and individual champions and placers came from the two west regional's and of that over 75%- over 75% were from the far west regional. I am happy to see the competition on the eastern side elevate. Of course there are many factors that attribute to the rise, more off season opportunities within very short driving distances helps a lot. But one that I think is big, is the influx of western Ks wrestlers and people with western Ks wrestling background that have taken up residence on the eastern side and work as club coaches, Junior high coaches and High School coaches. I have seen this for years.
And if you give your figures one more look, you will see that 75% Placer and Champion stat for the two west regional's that was mentioned above.

Thanks Coach Malay for your passion for our sport!!