What are the session "approximate" start times and who wrestles in them?

March 13th (Friday); 4:00pm Wrestling Begins Session 1 – 14U and HS Divisions thru and including semi-final and one match out the backside
March 14th (Saturday) 8:30am Wrestling Begins Session 2 – 8U, 10U, 12U Divisions thru and including semi-final and one match out the backside
March 14th (Saturday); Approximately 4pm – Wrestling Begins Session 3 – 14U and HS backside (stop before placement matches)
March 15th (Sunday); 8am Wrestling Begins Session 4 - 8U, 10U, 12U Division backside (stop before placement matches)
March 15th (Sunday); Approximately 11:30AM – Wrestling Begins Session 5 all placement for 5th matches
March 15th (Sunday); 2:00pm Wrestling Begins Session 6 – all Championship and runner-up matches

* Start times for Session 3, 5, and 6 are approximate. We will move times up as time allows depending on the finish time of session 2, 4, and 5.