I get that this throws a wrench in some people's regular scheduling and some brackets could have more than 8, but these are NOT normal times and getting to have a season at all continues to be an "iffy" proposition. Lets not miss seeing the forest because the trees get in the way.

IMO the emphasis should be having a state tournament, and/but. . .

The current proposed arrangment will not allow all qualifiers will get to the State Tournament.

Incidences of covid cases are much higher now than in the fall and quarantines are more common. Chances are this will only continue to increase in January after additional spread with the coming Christmas holidays. With qualifying tournaments three weeks in a row the chances are extremely high that a kid misses Substate or state due to a quarantine.

Lets say a wrestler places in the top 4 of his region, and during the next week one of his opponents tests positive (or develops symptoms and then tests positive). The qualified wrestler is now quarantined for minimum of 7 days (new guidelines are he can test after day 5 from exposure and are cleared day 7 if negative and symptom free). The wrestler misses Substate and cannot qualify further. Same thing is going to happen between substate and state. Also, there are legitimate scenarios where a kid who ends up positive can knock out 2-3 qualifiers from a bracket. These are kids who end up being negative- but just because they wrestled a kid who ends up being positive they will be sitting due to the current quarantine guidelines.

There’s no good solution here, but if we are trying to get the best kids to be able to compete at a state tournament (not just the lucky ones) we should allow more time between qualifiers for the testing process to play out. Example, if we did Regionals Jan 30, Substate Feb 13, State Feb 27 we would have the CHANCE of a kid that gets exposed at the qualifier to make it through quarantine and compete. There needs to be more time between the qualifying tournaments to allow our kids to make it through any kind of quarantine window.

Greg Mann
Manhattan, KS