I would like to clarify that I do not oppose the State 8 man route, but what is the goal of USAWKS? If this is the final decision, I am all for it, but who will this benefit? Last season ended in devastation for a lot of young wrestlers, and I was the first to tell our team "Life doesn't always go as planned. Don't get down. Keep your heads up and remember your goals." What goals do a lot of our kids have? Having fun and becoming competitive in the sport of wrestling. There are a lot of kids who's goal is to win state. That is admirable, and I hope each kid with that goal achieves it. We also talk to our kids about rational and irrational goals. Never placing at a tournament, but writing down a goal of "winning state" that same season is probably a bit irrational. Saying you want to win a tournament is a little more rational. After that, say you want to qualify, then place, and then win it all. I'm trying not to ramble, but my point is, what do 8 man brackets do for the growth of the sport of wrestling in Kansas. I know it's a challenging year, and again, if it's the only way, I am for it. My concern is that a lot of young wrestlers with goals had them stopped last season, and if we go through another cycle, even if extremely limited, how many kids will this leave in the dust. I would love to see those 8 kids that make it to state, that would no doubt be some great wrestling. No doubt some top 8 kids would be left at home because their district was that tough, but a large percentage of the kids wrestling at this level will show resilience and move on. Its the hundreds and more of the other wrestlers that I worry about. The ones that haven't had it "click" yet, but we all know will have potential to be something if they stay on the mat through kids, JH and into HS. I know the discussion you are about to have will not be easy, and our state is not as forgiving as some of our neighbors. I hope all viewpoints are heard, and everyone is receptive to new ideas and maybe some crazy ones to get us through this season. Whatever happens, I appreciate everyone's work in making something happen this year. I will be anxiously waiting to see what comes from your emergency meeting.

My 2 cents:
Full Qualifying Tournaments (extend the number of days or multiple locations)
Full State (extend the number of days or multiple locations)