Originally Posted by Chip
Hi, was wondering what determines these rankings? Logan Courtois has pinned the #4 ranked kid at 6a 120, beat the #2 ranked kid at 5a 113, beat #5 ranked 5a 120, pinned the #3 ranked kid at 4a 113 two times, pinned the #4 ranked 4a 113, he's 38-2 with 35 pins. His only kansas loss is the #1 ranked 123a 120 pound kid by 2 points. He pinned his way through regionals. Seems odd he'd only be 6 even though he's going into state as a 1 seed. All year kids have lost and moved around and Logan has just sat at #6. Do you just take into account matches he's wrestled against kids from out west?

This isn't me being judgmental or upset, just curious. Thanks

The rankings are essentially a weekly seeding meeting. Criteria to start the year is typically:
1. Returning State champion
2. Returning State placer
3. Returning State qualifier
4. If no previous State experience, record the previous season and performance at Regionals
5. If an incoming freshman, past freestyle and youth wrestling performance

As the season starts and matches are wrestled the criteria can then be adjusted to include the following as the most important criteria:
1. Head-to-head
2. Common opponents

Because Courtois is a freshman, he started outside of the rankings, along with fellow freshmen Giancola of Hoxie and Loughrie of Haven. As the season went on Giancola and Loughrie were able to get wins against the three returning State placers in the weight (Juenemann from Oberlin, Johnson from Minneapolis, and Considine from Halstead). Those five wrestlers currently ranked above Courtois have losses to one another or to quality opponents who are ranked in other weights, classifications, or states. Several of those wrestlers also have quality wins against wrestlers from other classifications.

Since Courtois has no head-to-head wins or any common opponents, that I was aware of, he's remained at #6 for the majority of the season. Courtois does have an impressive resume. If this was an All-Class ranking you could certainly make the case to move him above the other wrestlers. He's just had the misfortune of being a freshman with a schedule not allowing for those head-to-head or common opponent criteria to help him move up in the 321A rankings.

I believe any of those top 6 wrestlers at 113 has a chance to be in the finals and win the weight, it is pretty wide open. I'm excited to see the rankings get settled out on the mat the next two days. Best of luck to everyone.