This is getting old and it serves absolutely no purpose! Any young man, losing record included that competes in this demanding sport is a “WINNER”. I wish it were possible that everyone could qualify for the State Tournament. If he is 0-35 or 35-0 he still had to go into the practice room every day and work to get better while his buddies were drinking slushies and chasing the girls. In all reality the young man with a losing record shows the most courage by continuing to go week in and week out and having his tail whipped on. Think about it… All that work during the year to have someone on this forum to say kids with a sub 500 records doesn’t deserve a right to be a State Champion. By virtue of his dedication throughout the year, I say give them a chance, this thread is demeaning to all the hard work that they have put forth this season.

I’m not very smart… but I can lift heavy things!