Dang Carmona, I hate to agree with you. It must be my conection to your family, but Taco Lopez (formerly Taco Express) is the BEST authentic Mexican food in Wichita. The Adovado burrito can't be beat! I took the boys of Goddard to eat there a couple of times, and the only ones that appreciated it were the Edgmon brothers. That has to say something for it's authenticity.

If you haven't been there, it is right across the street from Hog Wild on West Street (north of Maple). It's open 24/7. All you need to do is speak a little Spanglish to order. Carmona is right, the burritos are the size of his leg, but the taquitos are the size of his......?

"The days I can keep my gratitude higher than my expectations...those are good days" ~ Judy Hubbard