Pups4ever, you and wrestler kid just exposed a generation gap on this very forum.

You see, as an almost-20-year-old, to watch Power Rangers in elementary school meant that you were either a huge loser, or a wee little kid. TMNT was awesome, and Power Rangers was just a fake TMNT with more robots, poor acting, and stupid toys. So I'm guessing you were either an '04 graduate, or you didn't have many friends in elementary school.

Now I pose another question: If you're the coach of the Captain Planet team in a dual, do you throw Heart out there, or do you just leave the weight open? Obviously you keep him on the team because he has a pet monkey, but do you shatter the kid's confidence by sending him out there to use "feelings" to win the match, or do you sit him and hope that one day he comes around and grows a pair?