Dear Coach Holmes:

The Dual State Proposal was once again proposed to the Executive Board this past June while you were busy moving to Iowa. Once again, the proposal was not approved. At the present time, the proposal is DEAD. Based on my conversation with Mr. Bruce Deterding, past chairman of the Executive Board, scheduling had nothing to do with the reason the proposal was not passed. It would appear the KSHSAA and the Executive Board are not "going to accept the views of coaches and administrators first".

Hence my belief it is time for the fans to express to KSHSAA and their local administrators their support for such event(s). If there is no support, then I will be in the minority and accept the decision.

It is clear your statement, "lobbing idle threats at state administrators is not support." is directed towards me, and inasmuch as you were not a part of any conversation between myself and Mr. Musselman or Mr. Bowden, you speak from complete and total ignorance to the matter. There is a difference between expressing "displeasure" and making threats.

It is unfortunate you have experienced difficulties with parents at your previous schools. These relationships generally are directly related to a coaches win / loss record.

Perhaps up in Iowa things will be much more suitable for you.

Richard D. Salyer