It seems that a lot of people involved in our youth tournaments these days see ... that if I call myself a National tournament ... kids will come. The concept of "making money" is a given but who are those "money makers" going after?

I don't know ... it's the whole idea of commercializing amateur sports. And of profiteering in a sport that might be struggling with the costs of the same.

I'm not thinking too clearly right now but on these forums we have often debated 6 and unders, too much pressure on kids, etc.. I know that I will get beat up for this ... but here it goes ... I have to think the value in competing for these "series" events is misplaced and adds a whole new element of pressure on kids.

If as a 6-year-old or a 9-year-old, I can become a National Champion, in an event that has no or at the best, watered-down, competition; then my feeling is that we are stroking the ego of parents.

Further, I'm not sure that if there is a true qualification for these "All-Americans" that we are not placing too much pressure on our youth.

Wrestling tournaments have become "big money" for some. Many of these events, such as Tulsa Nationals or Reno Nationals and others, are not USAW sanctioned events. At least, Bill Gosset who runs Liberty and Bighorn Nationals, is a supporter of USAW.

I hope that I am not being too hypocritical in my beliefs. After all, I suggest to those attending my Bronze clinics that they personalize their medals and brackets for their tourneys. We need to award our young people. Maybe it should be more for competing than for accomplishing.

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
USAW Kansas
KWCA Rep/Coaches Liaison
Ottawa University Volunteer Assistant