Couple of things here and I appreciate the comments. Randy, you know how much I think of you, respect you, and like you, nothing is going to change that, and frankly after speaking to the tournament director in question, he has been on the board, seen some of the comments and I believe is going to be making a post later on. My desire is to see the best possible opportunities for our Kansas kids, not just kids though, but especially our high school wrestlers who are the ones that can take wrestling to the next step for Kansans in my opinion.

Couple of comments; Dave (the tournament director), who will likely post later, has made comment that he agrees with much of what has been said here. I think that is one of the things that makes things different with him. He don't want to, or will not use, the concept of a "National Tournament" or "National Champion" with the tourney. If things go through, there will be people coming from all across the nation and that is a good thing. There is a good chance that we will get kids from the South and other Eastern States like Pennsylvania to come to the tournament, again, especially on a high school level. Another thing different about this tournament is that some college scholarship monies are given to senior wrestlers who participate and qualify. So from that perspective, effort would be made to help Kansas wrestlers. I think in the past that both in state and out of state scholarships are given for the wrestlers at his other tournaments. I won't say much more there because Dave will likely comment on that.

Hope this gives some clarification and he will be able to speak more as to details than I. Last thing here, remember that nothing is in stone, but in early stages of discussion. Hopefully it comes through, but will have to wait and see. It is good though that others outside of Kansas are seeing the potential here.