Originally posted by Mike Furches:
Sportsfan, not just the "North Carolina" people trying to do a tournament here, remember they are seeking help and advice from Kansans. I see this in the same way as I see another person I greatly respect, Bill Gossett taking the Liberty series to Georgia, remember he is from Missouri. I honestly don't think Dave or the tournament has any desire for any conflict with any other tournament and they realize the need for the tournament to grow. By the way, numerous larger tournaments on a “National” level are held in High Schools. Look at the dual tournaments at Derby, Newton, Abilene, Manhattan, and numerous others. There is a high school in Edmond Oklahoma that has a gym smaller than several in the Wichita area, that has a Pre Turkey Open every year, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. They run over 1,000+ Jr. High and High School Wrestlers through there. If this tournament has the potential of bringing the best from around the country here, as opposed to our wrestlers having to go there, I am all for it, but that is obvious. I would personally like to see some of our kids have a chance at some of the likes of Grajales, Taylor, Palmer, Cozart, Friskhorn, Epperly, Moser, Sentes, and the like. Can you imagine a Erisman and Cozart match on our own soil?
Then everything is set! Let me know when sign-ups close.