215 has only been weak for 2 years. Before that there were 3, count them 3, All-Americans in 2002. The most at any weight for Kansas. 215 is usually not a weak weight so you can't say it's weak. Also, yes, some may qualify, but I know that some people who placed 3rd or 4th this year in 6a would have won 4a. Just because other weights are tough in other classes doesn't mean that 215 is automatically hard. 321a had one good 215 pounder, 4a had no one, 5a had one that was alright, and 6a had about 2. It wasn't a tough class, and as you will see, each class had only a few dominating people. But I know that 6a 215 this year was the hardest to place in out of all classes.

So this kid is putting on his shoes right, and his mom says, honey you're putting your shoes on the wrong feet, and the little kid says, no mom these are my feet