Ok, let's assume that the Norton kids who place in the top 4 at the regional take the top 4 at state. State only places 6 people. You're telling me that you think that there aren't 2 people (besides, obviously, the top 4 at that regional) from over 200 schools that make up 3-2-1a who couldn't beat the two kids who are sitting at home? I really find that hard to believe.

The Norton regional was tough, no doubt about it. But who's to say that in 10 years, people won't be complaining about how easy the Norton regional is and how tough the Hosington regional is?

Heh, your story reminds me of the Fredonia tournament my senior year (2003). I pinned a Fredonia kid in the first match then had Daniel Petroski (who was ranked in 4a and is a heck of a tough wrestler) in the second round, which was fair enough, I thought. Needless to say, I lost that match (I really was never that great). The first round of consolation, I had a kid from Fredonia (they allowed unattached wrestlers at this tournament). I pinned him then in the freakin' SECOND ROUND OF CONSOLATION, I had to face Blake Zimmerman from Eureka (eventual 3rd placer in 3-2-1a). Then, what really made me sick: after Blake beat me (by a score of 15-3, I never gave up!), he had to leave the tournament with an injury and the kid who I had beat the week before (Galvan from West Elk) injury-defaulted and 5-match-ruled his way to a thrid place medal.

Was I upset? A little, but that just goes back to my theory:

Life isn't fair

"I hate basketball! I'd rather watch paint dry!" -- CVHS Wrestling coach Troy Lentz 2005