Saying a 6 year old does not deserve to go to state because he hasnt worked hard enough or long enough to have earned it is a poor argument in my opinion. I have a 6 year old in his third year.He has a strong competitive nature and works hard at practice and at home with his 11 year old brother. I'm not saying all 6 year olds are ready for the kind of intense compition that happens at the state level,but there are several little guys who are already serious about winning. The amount of time put into a sport does not intitle you to a state tournament you earn that right by your performance. A wrestler could compete for ten years and never make it past districts.Just because a wrestler is 6 dose not mean he dos'nt have desire to win state. Alot of little wrestlers have seen older siblings compete at the state level.Last year my son told me he didnt want to try to go to state,this year at 6 he says he want to win it. All Im saying is dont under estimate our smallest wrestlers. Do they deserve a spot at the expocenter? Ask my 6 year old.
Jon Murray
Parsons Wrestling Club