Mr. Furches,
You made reference to one of my responses that said the older kids would be left out if the 6u are allwed at stae. You replied that this was never mentioned, yet your earlier post you said we needed a single jr.high and high school division, wouldn,t this exclude some kids who make it now? wouldn't this put a limit on the number of older kids making it? I also said the older kids deserve to be in the big room because they earned it, you replied that this was never brought up, but you brought it up in your earlier post when you said mats could be moved in the weigh in room for the older kids. It seems you don't even know what you are saying from one post to the next. Does USA Wrestling have a 6U division at National Tournaments, I don't think so,is there a 6U freestyle division at Nationals,I don't think so. The only way 6U should be allowed if is there is room for all of the older kids we accept now. And if anyone wrestles in the weigh in room it should be the 6U,Let them earn the right to wrestle in the big room, I'm sorry but a second year novice wrestler should not bump a kid who has been working and only has a few chances left to wrestle in the big room. 6U have many more years to make it to the show, let them learn the sport, I personaly don't want to miss a kid wrestle on my team that I have been working with for 5 or more years to watch to novice 6 year olds roll around on the mat.