bubowski, don't feel much like arguing the point right now but will try to present myself better. I know what I am saying from one post to the next. Seems like others do as well, maybe not. I was just trying to show that there are solutions to the so-called issues that continue to come up year after year. A Jr. High Division and a High School Division would still provide the opportunities to all kids at those ages. All I was trying to do was show that there are solutions to the "problems" or issues that many come up with.

Regarding kids that would be left out, older kids, - this is an argument that many make. I was only referring to comments that others have made here and in the past. I don't think that any kids should be left out based on age, nor should they be forced into an unfair situation based on age as we currently do by having our 6 & Under’s wrestle up. They and their families pay their dues, give them the same opportunity. By the way, remember, there already is a 6 & Under state, it is just that they are not at the same location. I say give them the same chance. Let the wrestling community as a whole celebrate their accomplishments in the same way that the under 8’s do.

Last comment here, I don't take the "Can't" attitude, I prefer to "brainstorm" and look at various options that allow for a "can" attitude. Will there be kids left out with some formulas? There may be, but have them left out due to ability, not age, especially if they are paying members. I would also like to see someone please address the other issues regarding who has the right to make these decisions. I am for having the majority of the membership make the decision, are you and others who are opposed to the 6 & Under state willing to let them have that voice? Every paying member should have a voice. I also know for a fact, because I have heard it, people say that they would never vote for a 6 & Under because they disagree with it. I guess I have a problem with that attitude because I believe in representative government. Those voting have a responsibility to vote the way the majority of those they represent desire and wish. Otherwise, we don’t have a representative form of government, we have a dictatorship and that is something I am opposed to when you have people paying dues.