"Last week, my 6 year old son lost a very close match and so was a little teary eyed at the end. While I was telling him what a good job he did, the other parent was congratulating his son on "making that boy cry". My son should be having fun. He should not be worried about winning or getting a medal."

Unfortunately, there are a few fools to give us "6 & under parents" a bad name. But. . .there are those of us who are trying to teach our young wrestlers; sportsmanship(win or lose), and a few life skills. We also do NOT promote the talk that the discribed above parent did. There are also ALOT of idiots in the upper age divisions who tell their wrestlers much worse things.In every age division there are these extremists. So do not assume that all 6&under parents are out to "live through them" in wrestling.
I wanted to bring this up. How many of these 12, 14, & 16&under State Champs or even State Placers were once 6 & under? Did they have the excitement about winning that JMurray has talked about??? I bet they did. Or at least the champs and placers I know did and still do.

*In seeking knowledge, the first step is silence, the second listening, the third remembering, the fourth practicing, and the fifth - teaching others.*